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School Admissions

All school admissions are provisioned by Torfaen's admissions team.

For information about mid-year transfers, school places or the admissions procedure in general, please contact the admissions team at


Our family engagement initiative is led by one of our HLTA's - Emily Boshein.

Emily has been part of 'Team Llantarnam' since 2011, and her family engagement work has led naturally on from the strides she has made with the Nurture team, developing our nurture provision.


Family Engagement works hand in hand with the Wellbeing Team (Mrs Spencer, Mrs Townsend, Mrs Bailey, Mrs Pritchard and others) to provide support and guidance for pupils and families when they need it, whether problems are big or small.


Family Engagement and Wellbeing encompass many things, from simply being there to listen or offer advice on normal day to day struggles, to helping support during times of crisis, and working with families and external bodies such as Families First and Action for Children.

Kindness in the Community

The Kindness in the Community Food Hub started during 2021, after a local councillor, David Thomas, became aware of hardship facing families during the time of the Covid crisis.


Councillor Thomas and Emily Boshein deliver a bag of staple groceries every other week to around 40 families in the Llantarnam Ward.


Our food hub is sustained by monthly 'Tin on the Wall' collections, which are organised by a dedicated team of volunteers.

PTA - Parent Teacher Association

Our PTA is made up of parents/carers, extended families and school staff. They hold regular events in order to raise money for the school.

Their funds are put towards things which directly benefit the children, from buying treats on Santa's behalf at Christmas, to contributing towards the cost of school trips to lessen the burden for parents and carers.


The PTA work very closely with the school while arranging their events throughout the year, and welcome new members.


We love having volunteers in school, whether they are our families, or from the wider community.

There are so many ways that people can help a school to thrive just by donating some of their time, and it is inevitably a rewarding experience for the volunteers, pupils, and staff.


Volunteering at school could mean reading with children, helping in class or with an after school club, helping maintain our planters and gardening projects, or lending a hand at a Big Bocs Bwyd or PTA event.


Volunteers are expected to complete a DBS check (through school, with no charge), and will be given an induction, which includes safeguarding procedures, before starting.


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