Llantarnam Community Primary School was built in 1957. Originally Oakfield Primary School
until 2009, it was situated in the heart of Oakfield housing estate. The school was rebuilt on the former site of Llantarnam Comprehensive School as part of the 21st Century Schools Programme, and opened in November 2016.
The school caters for pupils from three to eleven years of age, with part-time Nursery provision on site.

Original Oakfield Primary School

Llantarnam Community Primary School
At Llantarnam Community Primary School we want to give all of our pupils the best chance of achieving their full potential. As we continue our journey on the 'Curriculum for Wales', the Four Purposes, at the heart of the curriculum, are very much at the centre of our ethos:

For more information about the 'Four Purposes' visit our Curriculum for Wales page here

Curriculum for Wales has brought many changes, and Llantarnam Primary is evaluating and adapting all the time to provision as effective a learning environment as possible.
What hasn't changed is our core objective of enabling pupils to receive a complete and well-rounded education.
As Curriculum for Wales' focus is on individual pupil progression rather than set targets, primary school years are no longer divided into 'Foundation Phase' and 'Key Stage Two'.
At Llantarnam Primary we are currently working in four phases:
Each phase is led by a teacher with leadership responsibilities, but the work that goes into the curriculum as it continues to evolve is very much a team effort.
For further information about our staffing structure, visit our Staff page here
Phase 1: Nursery & Reception
Phase 2: Years 1 & 2
Phase 3: Years 3 & 4
Phase 4: Years 5 & 6